How to Incorporate Vitamin B12 Into Your Daily Diet

 Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that keeps our body and nerve cells healthy. In addition, sufficient Vitamin B12 keeps our body from getting tired and weak since it releases energy from food. 

People with folate or vitamin b12 deficiency experience symptoms of headaches, loss of appetite, palpitations, feeling weak or tired, diarrhoea, mouth ulcers, muscle weakness, and even problems with cognitive judgement and understanding.

It can develop folate deficiency anaemia in severe cases and cause permanent damage if left untreated.

How Can We Add Vitamin B12 and Folate To Our Daily Diet?

Some people eat a vegan or vegetarian diet, which can experience deficiency. In addition, some suffer from stomach operations or intestine condition that has put them in a state where their stomach prevents B12 absorption. 

There are many other reasons for Vitamin B12 deficiency but we have listed below how we can add to our daily diet:

Eat good sources of folate, such as brussel sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, peas, chickpeas, and brown rice.

·         Green leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage, kale, and spring greens

·         For non-vegetarians, it can come from meat, fish and eggs.

·         For vegetarians, milk, cheese, soy products, and some fortified breakfast cereals

      ·         Others take Marmite or Nutritional Yeast in their diet.

                Other Ways to Get Vitamin B12

                At times, people ignore having a balanced diet. The easiest way to incorporate  

                vitamin B12 are listed below:

·         Taking Vitamin B12 every day between meals

·         Vitamin B12 Injection of Hydroxocobalamin or Cyanocobalamin

      ·         Staying Healthy and Final Advice

Many GP recommends that we have our blood tests to monitor our level of haemoglobin, immature red blood cells or reticulocytes in our blood. Taking blood tests is another preventive measure to keep the risks low for vitamin B12 deficiency.

Getting vitamin B12 injections should also be assessed and administered by health care professionals. The Vitamin B12 injections are also available in Intrigue Health in Kent and Dartford.

Book an appointment to make sure you are living your best life by having good health


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