Why is blood testing a part of regular health check?


A medical checkup or a physical exam is done by a doctor to evaluate your health condition. It is a series of examinations that provides you and your doctor with information about which part of your body may need more attention or sheds light on any discomforts you may be experiencing.

As part of your checkup, your doctor will discuss your medical history, including any previous or present health conditions you have or that run in your family, past medical procedures you underwent, any current medications you are taking, and your habits, diet, and lifestyle.

One vital aspect of your routine checkup is laboratory exams which blood testing is a part of. Blood work is a helpful tool that helps your doctor understand your physical state. It is beneficial for conditions that do not alert you to any symptoms in their early stage.

What are the benefits of blood testing?

Your doctor will recommend how often you need to run your lab tests. As you age, your doctor can add more tests to your blood exams that can run at regular intervals to monitor your health condition closely.

     Keep track of your health and increase lifespan. Staying healthy is not just the absence of diseases but being able to make wise decisions on how to improve your present condition.

     Early detection of diseases. Routine screenings help doctors diagnose signs of potentially life-threatening conditions and prevent risks before it is too late.

     Increases success for treatment or cure. Early detection of serious diseases, even before symptoms manifest, will give you a higher fighting chance in treatment and speedy recovery.

     Cut down on medical costs. Healthcare costs escalate when you need immediate attention to address severe stages of a disease. Investing in medical checkups is a more practical way to prevent and manage illness early on.

What does a blood test tell you?

Regular checkups play an essential role in maintaining your overall well-being, whether it is for disease prevention or improving your current condition. It will you the following:

     Complete blood count

     Blood sugar levels

     Cholesterol levels

     Liver function

     Kidney function

     Thyroid function

 In addition, even a healthy individual can benefit from a private blood testing to measure physical wellness. Intrigue Health is dedicated to making it easier for you to achieve your health goals. Book an appointment today.



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