All You Need to Know About Microsuction Ear Wax Removal

Microsuction ear wax removal can safely and effectively remove too much ear wax from your ear canal. Ear microsuction NHS is a popular procedure performed by trained professionals, typically audiologists or ear care specialists. How Ear Wax Microsuction Works During ear microsuction , your specialist will use a small handheld device called a microscope suction probe. He will also use a microscope or a loupe magnifier to have a clear view of your ear canal, thus enabling precise and controlled ear wax removal. Here's an overview of the microsuction ear wax removal procedure: ❖ Preparation . After taking notes of your symptoms, your specialist will examine your ear with an otoscope or similar instrument to assess your ear wax condition. ❖ Microsuction . While seated comfortably, your specialist will insert a sterile suction probe into your ear. This probe connects to a suction device to remove the ear wax safely. Your specia...